Dr. Shawky Salem Conference Grant 2016
[Application is now closed]
The Dr. Shawky Salem Conference Grant (SSCG) is an annual grant established by Dr. Shawky Salem and the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA).
The aim of the grant is to enable one expert in library and information sciences from the Arab Countries (AC) to attend the Annual IFLA Conference. Candidates should not have attended an IFLA conference previously, be of Arab nationality, not exceed 45 years, have experience at least 5 years in LIS profession or teaching, have the approval of his / her organization.
The grant is to meet up to a maximum of USD 1,900 the cost of travel (economy class air transportation) to and from the host country of the conference, registration, hotel costs and a per diem allowance.
IFLA will act as administrator to the grant and will provide the Secretary of the jury.
The deadline for receiving applications is 13 February 2016.
The selection of a grantee will be made before 1 April 2016 by a jury consisting of members appointed by Dr. Salem and by IFLA. The grantee will be informed of his or her selection by the Secretary of the Jury in April every year.
The 2016 application (available in Arabic & English), along with additional information is available on the Dr. Shawky Salem Conference Grant (SSCG) webpage.